Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Flush Fiction Contest

Enter your name in my first ever contest - drawing - giveaway! 

You too can be the proud owner of Uncle John's latest masterpiece collection! Eighty-some-odd flash fiction stories sure to entertain and even help pass the time during those...quiet moments.

The rules are simple:

Deadline: May 10th, 2012. Midnight EDT.

Friends, family, acquaintances and strangers, or any combination thereof, may enter. Just be a resident of the U.S.A. All apologies to my non-domestic callers. 

Once all the entries are collected, I'll place them in my transparent randomizing sphere and have my lovely and talented youngest select the winner. The fine folks at the Bathroom Reader Institute will then send the lucky winner one bona fide copy of Flush Fiction.

There's quite a few authors included in the book and, no doubt, some are going to run a similar giveaway. If you win a copy from someone else, let me know so I can pull your name from the running here. Let's spread the love as far and wide as possible. 

To enter, simply comment below making it clear you'd like to be included. I'll screen the replies, so share enough info I know who you are and how to let you know if you win.

If you want to earn additional entries, share my little giveaway on Facebook or Twitter or your own blog. Reviews are great too, but its awfully hard to review a book you don't have yet, right? So, if you review any of the anthologies containing one of my stories, I'll accept that as an entry too. You can find a list of those books here. Lot's of chances to enter and even stack the deck in your favor. Just don't forget to let me know what you do so you get the proper number of entries.

Best of luck!

Oh, and don't stop here! Check out all the great books at Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.


  1. Let me be abundantly clear, I wish to be entered into the drawing for a copy of Flush Fiction. If there is any confusion about my desire to win this particular book, let me reiterate, I wish to be entered to win this book, I mean, seriously.. really.. yep, I'd really like to be entered into this drawing :)

  2. I posted it on Twitter..


    (and I am not really sure that I appreciate this thing verifying I am not a robot every time I post.. Seems like if I wasn't last time, most likely I am still not a in fact a robot)

    1. Hmm. That does seem annoying with the robot. Wonder if I can control that?

  3. One more.. I wrote a review on Amazon for Childish Things ;)


    Does that count? :P

    1. Since there is a dearth of reviews out there (is it cool to use the word dearth in polite company?) I will say...yes.

  4. Please enter me into your contest.

    Thank you.

    Leslie Lee

  5. @Russ - and entered ya are! Thanks for dropping by.

  6. I can be signed up? Fer reals? Hot dog!!!


  7. For reals! Hi, Carey. You are entered. :-)

  8. Hey, sign me up too please! Thanks!
