Whether its waiting for the new season of The Walking Dead, the final episodes of the season on Fallen Skies, or the next installment of a favorite serial story, wherever it might call home among the net's dearth of quality serials.
Absolutely maddening.
Being a busy sort of guy, with more to do in the evenings on most days than during the normal workday, I seldom watch anything that TV has to offer when its actually live. I rely almost exclusively on our DVRs and Netflix to keep me pseudo-current. Hell, I think the only thing I've watched recently when it was actually premiering was a couple of Doctor Who episodes last season and pretty much every episode of The Walking Dead. Easy enough to see where my priorities lie, huh?
There's something magical about coming late to a show and sitting down with an entire season, knowing that you've got more than a few hours of entertainment ahead. Or a series of books. Or a damned good serial.
It's nice to have some archives to reach back into. But on the flip side, there's something exciting about the anticipation of the next chapter too. As long as those pesky authors don't keep you waiting too long. You know who you are.
I became aware of JukePop Serials a few months back while reading a post from Jennifer L. Barnes at Emby Press' forum.
Every Writers Resource quoted the JukePop Serials crew best:
"JukePop Serials is a new site for popular fiction, published in chapter installments. We believe it is the perfect time for a resurgence in serial fiction. Serial fiction in the modern world – best way to keep up with your favorite stories by reading in 5 to 10 minute chapter installments throughout the day on computers or on our mobile app. We have over 150+ ongoing serials and publish new serials on an ongoing basis... Readers have the ability to +vote for the serials they like, the top 30 stories at the end of each month receive cash awards...We love genre or popular fiction – sci fi, mystery, crime, dystopian, mod romance, chick lit, slipstream, steampunk, paranormal, horror, thriller, fantasy, adventure, superhero, American gothic, Young Adult and cross genre (best genre if the story spans many genres or you just don’t know what box to tick)."
Sounds great, right? There's even an app for your mobile device! Yeah, I'm hooked.
All that said, I'm thrilled to announce that Jodi Holiday Crozer, Editor and Director of Content at JukePop Serials, has graciously accepted my serial, Zulu Time!
All that said, I'm thrilled to announce that Jodi Holiday Crozer, Editor and Director of Content at JukePop Serials, has graciously accepted my serial, Zulu Time!
In Zulu Time:
"Nash joined the Navy to avoid the New Draft. If you waited for those idiots to pull your number, you were guaranteed to wind up hip deep in the muck and probably face to face with the latest breed of bad guys in the never-ending War on Terror. What better place to be than on a steel boat, all safe and sound, shooting missiles from a hundred miles away? Only the Navy didn't prove to be the lesser evil Nash hoped and now he's facing off against fundamentalists whose only doctrine is to eat the living."
Chapter One is up and within a day or so of when this post goes live Chapter Two will be available as well. Whether you decide to wait a few chapters before diving in, or you prefer to read them as they arrive over the coming weeks, I do hope that you'll check out Zulu Time and all the other great stories at JukePop Serials.
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